You have the right to a financial, environmental, medical and psychosocial safety. If you experience any problems within these areas you can always turn to:
- your programmes student ombud
- office of student welfare
- student welfare network
In the brochure Safe at Chalmers/Trygg på Chalmers you can find an extensive amount of vital information regarding safety, insurances, finance and support. Read it online (English version)or get a copy at Kårservice.
(Sexual) harassment info
If something happens to you that makes you uncomfortable - talk about it! There are several ways to handle sexual harassment or sexism at Chalmers.
- Tell the person who made you uncomfortable! No one has the right to be sexist or racist on your behalf. If this person does not listen to you, talk to their boss/superior and let them know what happened and how that made you feel.
- Talk to a friend - even if it might feel insignificant afterwards. It is your feeling that counts. Don't accept excuses made by others.
- Get it off your chest and share it anonymously:
- Inform the university, they are obliged to follow up.
- If you witnessed sexual harassment and did not act you can still talk to the person who harassed and asked why they said or did what they did. Or ask the person being harassed if they are OK. Show your surroundings that harassments are not OK.
Support regarding alcohol, drugs and campus life
Both general and specific inquiries
Student welfare officer
031-772 39 18
Student welfare deputy officer
031-772 39 68
University counselor (kurator)
Student guidance counsellor
More on study counseling and links to contact details.
Coordinator for students with disabilities
Work environment engineers
Equality contact
Sara Thornadtsson Chavarria
Healthcare for study related matter
Link to student health
Student Safety and Welfare Representative (SAMO)
Find them here
Student chaplain
Henrik Wernvik
073-655 58 03
Anonyma alkoholister
Anonyma Narkomaner
0771-13 80 00