Sportstugan är stängd för bokning för planerat underhålls arbete under följande period:
2025-01-19 till 2025-01-27
2025-03-23 till 2025-03-31
Due to scheduled maintenence work Sportstugan is closed for bookings during the following periods:
2025-01-19 to 2025-01-27
2025-03-23 to 2025-03-31
Mottagning nyantagna Chalmers studenter HT2025
Under perioden början på augusti till slutet av September (exakta datum kommer beslutas senare) så är Sportstugan stängd för bokningar på grund av Mottagningen 2025.
Under samma period så kommer de olika sektionernas mottagningskommittéer att ha förbokningsrätt till att boka C.S Bastun.
Reception for newly admitted Chalmers students HT2025
During the period beginning of August to the end of September (exact dates will be decided later), Sportstugan will be closed for bookings due to the Reception 2025.
During the same period, the various student divisions reception committees will have pre-booking rights to book C.S Bastun.
* obligatoriska fält / required fields
How bookings work
Storstugan (Grand cabin)
Bookings for Storstugan/Grand cabin are released exactly 12 months ahead of time, as of to today's date, at 17:00.
Other facilities
Bookings for Järnvägsvagnen (Train car), Kalle Glader, Sportstugan (Sports cabin) and CS-Bastun (CS-sauna) are released the 1st of each month at 17:00, according to the following schedule:
- 1st January - bookings June
- 1st February - bookings July
- 1st March - no bookings released
- 1st April - bookings August/September
- 1st May - bookings October
- 1st June - bookings November/ December
- 1st August - bookings January
- 1st September - bookings February
- 1st October - bookings March
- 1st November - bookings April
- 1st December - bookings May
Who are eligible for booking?
- All 13 000+ members as well as thousands of alumnis.
- Most sought for days are Fridays or Saturdays and mainly Sports cabin and CS-sauna.
- Each month when booking slots are released, we get many emails time stamped 17:00. We will process each booking according to the order received in the inbox.