New regulations per 12/1-2022
- Please remember - Covid-19 is a notifiable disease (anmälningspliktig sjukdom), meaning that you are obligated to report positive test results according to Swedish law. As soon as you experience ANY symptoms, you must isolate yourself and take a PCR test (no other tests are valid, i.e. antigen) and wait at home for the result.
- If you are somehow not able to take a test, you must act as if you are Covid positive and stay home in isolation for a minimun of 7 days.
- If you live with a Covid-19 positive person, you must also take a test, even if you are symptom free.
- If you can't find tests, call you nearest health care provider, a "vårdcentral". They all have numbers listed on 1177.se. Since they are medical staff, the are obligated to follow certain routines and help you find a way to test yourself.
- More on how and where to take tests
- List of healthcare providers in Göteborg
- If you are covid positive, please read this.
- You yourself are obligated to find the latest information on regulations
Regulations affecting activities in the student union which are implemented from 12/1-2022:
- Everyone should avoid crowded spaces
- Public gatherings if 20 people are exceeded must be a seated event
- If vaccine passes are not used, no more than 50 people in public gatherings
- Over 50 people can gather if covid pass is used and each group is no larger than 8 people and 1 meter distancing between each party. Seated audience only and max 500 people in total.
- Sports event like every day training, matches and competitions can continue as usual. Cups and camps indoors are not advised.
The information which we have used and interpreted for the Student Union’s activities can be found on FHM’s website:
What you can do
Help stop the pandemic with these measures:
- Get vaccinated to protect yourself and others
- Buy your course literature online and pick up at STORE to avoid crowding queues
- Wash hands whenever possible - most infection is spreading through hands
- Use the hand sanitizers generously and frequently, provided by us around the building
- Stay at home if you are having any symptoms and test yourself as soon as possible
- Stay updated on the recommendations from the Public Health Agency
Premises and services
The Student Union facilities for those renting or booking
- Facilities in Härryda and the train car (Järnvägsvagnen): max capacity or max 20 people
- Motionshallen (gym hall in the student union building):
- For sport events and exercise: no regulations except the max capacity of the facility, but one should use infection control measures according to https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/smittskydd-beredskap/utbrott/aktuella-utbrott/covid-19/verksamheter/fritidsaktiviteter-for-barn-och-unga/
- Kårservice opening hours may change due to holidays and illness, latest updates are found here.
For changes within our restaurants, shops and cafés:
- chalmerskonferens.se/sv/restauranger/oppettider/
- chalmerskonferens.se/sv/restauranger/oppettider-lindholmen/
Organizing and Participating
- List of participants are used at events in order to trace infection. Deleted 2 weeks after event.
- Risk assessment for organizers is recommended until further notice
- Hand disinfection on all events recommended
- Stay home if you are ill and test yourself immediately (PCR only) when first symptoms occur
- Unvaccinated people must keep their distance and take responsibility
Vaccine certificate at Chalmers Student Union public events
Comprehensive information in multiple languages on vaccine certificate (VC): covidbevis.se. Please note that the union will not answer any questions regarding VC, we will refer you directly to covidbevis.se or similar sources.
- Only ceritifcates showing that you are fully vaccinated are eligible. Fully vaccinated means at least 2 /2 doses Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech), Spikevax (Moderna), Vaxzevria (Astra Zeneca), or 1/1 Covid-19 Vaccine Janssen after 14 days of waiting time (karenstid) after the last final shot.
- All Swedish and certificates associated with EU Digital Covid Certificate Infrastructure are accepted. No PCR-tests or recovery certificates etc are valid.
- You must bring photo ID at all events at this will be matched with your caritficate.
- The QR scanner will decide the certificats validity, and will automatically decline all passes that are not fully vaccinated/or have 14 days since last and final shot, Not approved vaccine (may read "Not fully vaccinated") have invalid QR-codes, expired certificate etc.
- It is each and everyone’s own responsibility to obtain the latest information from authorities and ensure bringing the correct, valid, and readable certificate accordingly. Note! Medical certificate stating exemption from vaccination are also valid. Certificate must contain data to match ID at entry and must specifically link together medical condition to not being vaccinated.
- Chalmers student union may deny entry to anyone who are not holding a valid, readable VC.
- Chalmers student union follow authorities’ directions but will always try and inform when VC are required (but not the opposite). It is still the guest's own responsibility to inform themselves whether VC is required or not.
- Chalmers student union cannot be held responsible for denying entry to someone failing to provide correct and valid VC/medical certificate and are not required to reimburse sold tickets.
- Stay home if you have any symptoms and always get tested.
Get your certificate here: covidbevis.se/vaccinationsbevis-web/
Add your certificate to iPhones wallet
- Visit: https://app.getcovidpass.eu/
- With iOS 15.1: support.apple.com/en-us/HT212752
Testscan your certificate
Download the scanner app to see if you and your friends certificate is valid:
- Google Play: Vaccinationsbevis verifiering på Google Play
- App Store: Vaccinationsbevis verifiering på App Store
(Note! It is still the scanning at the entrance at events that counts)