The career and business relations office has the overall responsibility when it comes to job market related issues and coordinates the various student division at Chalmers Student Union. If you are unsure of where to turn, it is always a safe bet to contact them. They can send you in the right direction. Career and business relations can also be contacted for the following purposes:
- Collaboration or partnership with Chalmers Student Union
- Alumni activities
- Mentorship programme
- Alumni events
- Sponsorship and visibility in the union's activities and events:
- Our theme weeks, such as Equality week and Of Course
- Our reception period, where we welcome new students to Chalmers
- Advertising during union movie screenings in our own cinema RunAn
- The Chalmers Cortège that takes place in Gothenburg each year
- Spexet, our drama group that has performances through out the year
If you're interested in something mentioned above you can contact:
The career and business relations officer at ao@chalmersstudentkar.se
Or the deputy career and business relations officer at vao@chalmersstudentkar.se
Strong tradition of collaborating with the business community
We are always open to collaborations that can benefit both parties. The union has some 11,000 members and we have a refined way of working in order for your company to get in touch with them. There are a numbers of different student divisions within the union that work towards the labor market and offer various services. On this page there is a short description of these divisions and how to get in touch.
CHARM is Chalmers Student Union’s career fair and is arranged every year in February. The fair is one of Sweden’s biggest career fairs in Gothenburg and is open for the university’s 11.000 students for two days. The event is marketed towards all students studying At Chalmers University. For more information visit their website: https://charm.chalmers.se
Chalmers Studentkår Promotion is an event and marketing company owned by the Student Union. We are the platform that connects Chalmers students with businesses in several different ways. A platform where organizations and companies can find their future colleagues and where students at Chalmers can explore their future careers. Visit our website for more information: https://www.chspromotion.com
Chalmers Teknologkonsulter AB is student-driven consultancy firm that builds a bridge between students and businesses by offering consulting services within engineering, it and business development. Students working at our company get the opportunity to work on real projects for our clients and develop further in a professional setting. Visit the website for more information: https://www.ctk.se
Chalmers Student Recruitment is the Student Union's own recruitment agency. We offer you everything from thesis work, interships, summer jobs and full-time offers through connections with over 100 different employers in different industries, including high profile clients such as Apple, Dropbox or ABB. Visit the website for more information: https://chalmersrekrytering.se
If you’re interested in students studying a specific program or area there is a range of different committees to contact. Each of them are responsible for one or more study programs. If you’re interested in multiple programs at the same time it’s better to contact Chalmers Studentkår Promotion mentioned above.
These groups arrange smaller events matched towards your preferences and helps you reach out to students via events or marketing material. These events include Lunch lecture, Case evenings, giveaways and much more.
Contact: farm@ftek.se
Website: https://Farmchalmers.se
Study Programs: Teknisk fysik, Teknisk matematik
Contact: armit@chalmers.it
Website: https://chalmers.it/business
Study Programs: Informationsteknik
Contact: shipping@sjosektionen.com
Study Programs: Internationell-logistik. Sjöbefäl, Sjöingenjör, Sjökapten
Contact: argz@ztek.se
Website: http://www.ztek.se/foretag/tjanster/
Study Programs: Automation och mekatronik
Contact: tdjobb@tdtek.chalmers.se
Website: https://tdtek.chalmers.se/
Study Programs: Teknisk design
Contact: goteborg@arkipelago.nu
Website: http://www.arkipelago.nu/goteborg/
Study programs: Arkitektur, Arkitektur och teknik
Contact: info@ernstkarg.se
Website: https://ernstkarg.se
Study Programs: Bioteknik, Kemiteknik med fysik
Contact: arme@elektroteknolog.se
Website: https://www.elektroteknolog.se/arme/
Study programs: Elektroteknik, Medicinteknik
Globala system
Contact: garm@globalasystem.se Website: globalasystem.se
Study program: Globala system
Contact: ordf.iarmar@itek.chalmers.se
Website: https://i-chalmers.se/foretag
Study Programs: Industriell ekonomi
Contact: harm@htek.chalmers.se
Study Programs: Ekonomi-och-produktionsteknik, Elektroteknik högskoleingenjör, Datateknik högskoleingenjör, Mekatronik högskoleingenjör, Maskinteknik högskoleingenjör, Designingenjör
Contact: info@ernstkarg.se
Website: https://ernstkarg.se
Study Programs: Kemiteknik, Kemiteknik Högskoleingenjör
Contact: varg@vtek.chalmers.se
Study Programs: Samhällsbyggnadsteknik, Samhällsbyggnadsteknik högskoleingenjör
Contact: aearm@aetek.chalmers.se
Website: https://www.ae-chalmers.com/ae-arm
Study Programs: Affärsutveckling och entreprenörskap
Contact: info@date-it.se
Website: https://date-it.se
Study programs: Datateknik, Elektroteknik, Medicinteknik, Informationsteknik
Contact: karm@ernstkarg.se
Website: https://ernstkarg.se
Study Programs: Kemiteknik, Kemiteknik Högskoleingenjör, Bioteknik, Kemiteknik med fysik
Contact: projektledare.idagen@itek.chalmers.se
Website: https://www.idagen.se/
Study Programs: Industriell ekonomi
Contact: goteborg@arkipelago.nu
Website: http://www.arkipelago.nu/goteborg/
Study programs: Arkitektur, Arkitektur och teknik
Contact: info@sjolog.se
Website: https://sjolog.se
Study Programs: Internationell-logistik. Sjöbefäl, Sjöingenjör, Sjökapten
Globala system
Contact: garm@globalasystem.se Website: globalasystem.se
Study program: Globala system
Contact: kontakt@zmartdagen.se
Website: https://zmartdagen.se/
Study Programs: Maskinteknik, Automation och mekatronik
Contact: harm@htek.chalmers.se
Study Programs: Ekonomi-och-produktionsteknik, Elektroteknik högskoleingenjör, Datateknik högskoleingenjör, Mekatronik högskoleingenjör, Maskinteknik högskoleingenjör, Designingenjör
Contact: varm-ledare@varm-massan.se
Website: https://varm-massan.se
Study Programs: Samhällsbyggnadsteknik, Samhällsbyggnadsteknik högskoleingenjör, Affärsutveckling och entreprenörskap
Contact: farm@ftek.se
Website: https://Farmchalmers.se
Study Programs: Teknisk fysik, Teknisk matematik