Valberedningen / Nomination committee
A committee appointed by the council to nominate various positions within the union such as the student union management team and board members across the organisation. Elected annually by the council. Interested? Contact the speaker of the council.
Valnämnden / Election committee
In order to have a functional and democratic organisation, a 35 member council needs to be elected annually by the union’s members. This election is carried out by an appointed committee called Valnämnden. Interested? Contact talman@chs.se. The committee can be reached at info@fumval.se
Chalmers Cortège Committè (CCC)
Every spring Gothenburg citizens gather to behold the Cortège. The parade is created by chalmerists who construct their own vehicles and amusing sceneries. CCC organizes the event, the building week and entertainment in between. Partake in the fun and keep a tradition since 1909 alive: Join the Cortège!
Chalmers Pyrotekniska Kommitté (Pyrot)
We are artists painting the sky. Working with professional fireworks we produce amazing displays for everyone, synchronized with music or just a huge show. We also sell a variety of consumer fireworks if you want to brighten up your special occasion yourself. And of course with a student discount.
Chalmers International Reception Committees (CIRC)
We break first ice by organizing events for international students, integrating various nationalities, making students feel like home and showing that university is also about having FUN with AMAZING people! Want to become part of something special? JOIN US or BECOME PHADDER! Interested? Contact us!
Kårhuskommittén Kåk
Kårhuskommittén, KåK, works with trying to improving the Student Union building and the railway car. We want to achieve a nice and orderly building with a touch of cosiness. We are also responsible for making sure that the other people using the building and the railway car does it in a good way.
Chalmers Bastukommitté/ Chalmers Sauna Kommitté (CBK)
Most parts of the world call it sauna. In Sweden we call it bastu. No matter what word you use, Chalmers Sauna Committee (CBK) is dedicated to enjoying the better things in life: nature, craftsmanship, and spending time - quiet or high spirited - in the heated rooms from which we take our name.
Chalmers Studentkårs Film- och Fotocommittè (CFFC)
We are the Student Union´s film and Photo Committé. We photograph almost all main events within the Student Union, everything from the big parties in the Union building to smaller events and portraiture. We are here to document and convey the activities of the Union towards its members.
Chalmers Studentkårs Marskalksämbete
Marskalksämbetet or the Ceremony Committee, represents Chalmers Student Union at ceremonial occasions. Our main events are the annual fall- and spring balls as well as the traditional changing of the Chalmers cap twice a year. We also preserve and manage the Union’s and Student Division’s standards.
Chalmersspexet has annually since 1948 set up humorous musicals based on characters from our history. Between 2003 and 2018 their were two committees - Chalmersspexet Vera and Chalmersspexet Bob. Drama, excitement, song, dance and puns are a few of the things you can expect from our shows!
Festkommittén (FestU)
Festkommittén FestU organizes some of the biggest recurring indoor parties in Scandinavia where both people who study at Chalmers and those who don’t are welcome. The parties contain live acts, numerous bars and dance floors as well as jumping castles and other awesome activities.
The CHARM Committee
CHARM is one of Scandinavia’s leading career fairs and is held every February on Chalmers campus. The exhibitors of the fair come from companies and authorities specialized in different areas of business all over Sweden to show what they have to offer the student, during and after their studies.
GasqueKommittén (GasqueK)
GasqueK is the committee that runs the Student Union nightclub at Chalmers. We make sure everything is in order for our ar- rangers when it’s their time to host a party. You can also find us behind the bar first Thursday of every study period for Chalmers Pubcrawl. Come have a cold one and say hello!
G.U.D. is the student unions IT-department. We are the ones who makes the central IT-infrastructure work. For exampel firewalls, switches and servers and in some cases also the committees computer. For example we keep the student unions web server running which hosts the student union website.
Chalmers Kårtidning Nya Tofsen
Nya Tofsen is a committee at Chalmers that produces video material and written articles. Our content includes documenting events at campus, reviews, Christmas calendars and everything in between. All of our material is available on our website and social media.
Jämlikhetskommittén (JämK)
The Student Union Committee for Equality, JämK, is a committee whose task is to further and work with questions regarding equality on campus. We organize different events during the year, and want to create a meeting point for discussions and knowledge of inclusion and diversity. We hand out free coffee at FestU parties.
Ljud- och Bildgruppen (LoB)
LoB is supplying rental of sound and event lightning to a reasonable price. We also act as technicians at various concerts and are responsible for all sound and lightning at Festu parties and other events on campus. We have everything you need to arrange small partys to big concerts!
Mottagningskommittén (MK)
We in MK work with the long-term develop- ment of the reception. MK works as a central coordinator of the reception at Chalmers by bringing together the Student Divisions, the Student Union and the university. In addi- tion to that we also arrange the rst day at Chalmers and “Mottagningskampen”.
Svea Skivgarde
Svea Skivgarde deejays at parties both at Chalmers and o campus. Currently we are 13 DJs where everyone has a di erent taste in music which make us have a wide range of music knowledge. If you feel this is something for you check out our webpage, no previous experience is needed!
Programkommittén PU
Our task is to provide a wide spectrum of cultural activities and events for the Student Union members and chalmerists. We host various events like concerts, movies, evening classes, tastings and much more. Keep an eye on our website for dates and schedules.
Tekniskt Basårs Kommitté (TBK)
Tekniskt Basårs Kommitté (TBK) helps the students at Tekniskt Basår to a good start at Chalmers by introducing them to life at Chalmers and to meet new people. TBK arranges reception and then supports the students for the rest of their year. TBK consists of a board of nine members and phaddrar.
Chalmers Kristna Grupp (CKG)
CKG is a society open to everyone looking for a Christian fellowship on campus. We meet once a week on both campuses for lunch prayer and sometimes at pubcrawls to give out coffee, have a chat and talk about Jesus. We also arrange quite popular lunch lectures every year.
Chalmers Barockensemble
Does your instrument miss you? Are you interested in playing music, seeing porcelain being destroyed, hearing music played in unexpected ways and much more? Then you should come and rehearse with Chalmers Baroque Ensemble! The rehearsals are held on Tuesdays, please contact us for more info.
Chalmers Handbollsklubb (CHK)
Chalmers HK is the handball society of the Student Union. We have both a women’s and a men’s team, which play games in the third and fourth division in Gothenburg respectively. We always welcome new players to come and practice with us, but it is preferred if you have some earlier experience.
The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE)
IAESTE is sending Chalmers students all over the world on paid internships whilst taking care of foreign trainees in Göteborg. We arrange events for our trainees and help you on your way abroad. International internships gets posted on our webpage as well as on facebook, so keep your eyes open!
Chalmers Studentkårs Idrottssällskap (CIS)
CIS consist of different sports divisions available for all students. We offer 16 sports, among them yoga, golf, swimming, cycling, football, floorball, rowing, badminton, ultimate frisbee, and volleyball. Read more about us on our website and register as a member today to get access to all sports.
Chalmers Students for Sustainability
Did you know Chalmers was the first university in Sweden to divest from fossil fuels? Well this are the kind of things we do at Chalmers Students for Sustainability, we help Chalmers become a global example of sustainability through exciting projects.
Society for Biological Engineering Student Chapter Chalmers
Society for Biological Engineering is an international network for engineers and students interested in chemical and biological engineering. We get inspired by the latest research and create personal relations to postdocs and professors. Become a member for free and let’s explore!
Chalmers Dykarklubb (CDK)
Do you have a scuba certificate or do you want to get one? Then, Chalmers Scuba Diving club (CDK) is the association for you! We dive year round, both locally around Gothenburg but also further away such as Norway or Gotland. We have DykFika (Dive-sack) every Thursday at 1900 in the M-basement.
Chalmers Skytteförening
We bring the wonderful world of shooting sports to the campus! At our shooting range in the basement of Maskinhuset we practice our shooting skills every week with both air rifle and pistol. On Tuesday and Thursdays evenings we’re open for anyone to come and try it out, no previous experience is necessary.
Chalmers Hockey
We are an icehockey team which combining training and studies. We are playing in division three but we also participates in a tournament called UHL, University Hockey League.
Chalmers Börssällskap
Chalmers Börssällskap (CBS) is the economic association on Chalmers. CBS is the largest association of Chalmers with its 1000 members. The association’s purpose is to spread knowledge and promote interest in economics and entrepreneurship. The most common activity is lunch lectures by well-known people from business, economic and politics.
Chalmers Islamiska Förening (CIF)
CIF is a non-political student association at Chalmers. Our mission is to strengthen Islamic brotherhood and sisterhood among the Muslims. We arrange activities including weekly Jumu ́ah prayer at Chalmers (Johanneberg campus), lectures, and social activities for our members.
Chalmers Segelsällskap (ChSS)
Are you a sailor or have always dreamed of being one? ChSS is a club of salt stained students who enjoys every aspect of the Gothenburg archipelago together. We have two boats with which we go sailing regularly. We are open to both experienced sailors and beginners, racers and cruisers.
Chalmers Robotförening
CRF is a place for people interested in learning about robotics or electro-mechanical design and programming. We are what you would call a "maker space" and have a workshop equipped with 3D printers, a laser cutter, soldering equipment and other common tools. Come and visit us to learn more!
E-Sektionens teletekniska avdelning (ETA)
Ever heard of the term Makerspace? A makerspace is just what it sounds like, a space to make things, and ETA is one of the major makerspaces here at Chalmers with a focus on Electronics and ham radio. Hence if you’re itching to learn, build or just play around with something, just come on up.
RANG- Chalmers Indian Association
RANG started with a group of students who wanted to reach out to prospective Indian students with information about Chalmers and Gothenburg. Over the years, it has also evolved into a platform that showcases Indian culture through student-centric events that is open to all.
Chalmers Ballong Corps (CBC)
Chalmers Ballong Corps is the Student Union’s own hot air ballooning society. We arrange flights in and around Gothenburg, and sometimes internationally. All chalmerists are welcome to join, whether they have experience flying or not. The really eager also has the opportunity to become a balloon pilot.
Chalmers Sångkör
Chalmers choir is the oldest student association with 100 members divided in three choirs: The chamber-, male-, and female choir. We participate in events by the Student Union and give own concerts such as the annual Christmas concerts at Vasa Church and also attend during Lucia.
Ölbruket is an old organization with roots back to the beer pipeline from Pripps and the founding of the pub, JA Pripps. Today Ölbruket is a union association, whose purpose it is to foster a good beer culture. This includes tastings, visiting breweries, home brewing. Fervorem Credimus.
Bamse is the Student Union's female häfv-society. Øhlhäfv is one of the most noble sports on Chalmers. We arrange membershipevenings and meetings where we play different games and shug beer. All chalmerists are welcome to join, wether they have any experience with häfv of not.
Chalmers Orienteringslöpare (COL)
Are you interested in solving problems combined with running? Then orienteering is the sport for you. Chalmers OL offer fun and challenging workouts twice a week, whatever ambition you have. We also organize various social events during the year.
Lindholmens Makerspace
Lindholmens Makerspace is a creative place where students can use their skills and knowledge to create projects. We have 3D-printers, soldering stations, automatic embroidery machine, wood workshop and other useful tools. Our makerspace is located on Lindholmens campus in house Patricia. If this sounds interesting, feel free to contact us on our Facebook-page.
We are Chalmersbaletten, a group of 20 girls and boys who love to dance and perform! We always take the stage with plenty of energy, laughs and fishnet tights! Our repertoire ranges from jazz, show dance, Charleston and of course - The CanCan!
Ingenjörer Utan Gränser
Engineers Without Boarders is a non-profit organisation with a mission to improve quality of life in disadvantaged communities. Through education and implementation of sustainable engineering projects at campus and abroad, we want to solve challenges related to inequality and global development.
Chalmers Entrepreneurship Society (CES)
Chalmers entrepreneurship society's main goal is to create a hub for entrepreneurial students to connect and create. We want to lower the bar for entrepreneurship among
students. As part of Entrepreneurship by. Chalmers, our society aims to inspire students to use their entrepreneurial skills through activities that make the learning of entrepreneurship more fun and linked to the student's interests and qualities.
Chalmers Coding Club
Chalmers Coding Club
is the algorithmic problem-solving and competitive programming society at Chalmers. We run the annual competition Chalmers Challenge, a selection contest for the Swedish Coding Cup. We also organize introductory camps, other minor contests and make for good company!
Chalmers Capital Management (CCM)
Chalmers Capital Management is a student-run association at Chalmers University of Technology. We are passionate about finance and provide a platform for students to gain practical experience in capital markets by managing our investment portfolio and publishing reports. Our team is diverse, with backgrounds in math, engineering, business, and economics. We have two divisions: traditional investing and quantitative strategies, which we combine to make informed investment decisions. Visit our website for more information:
T-RAX is a student association managing the Chalmers makerspace Fuse by evenings and weekends. The makerspace allows students and teachers to learn and experiment with practical manufacturing methods as well as to work on private projects that lie outside the regular education. The makerspace offers a wide range of modern labs and workshops from metalworking to VR and textile. By providing several different labs, the possibility for creating interdisciplinary projects is endless. If you want to learn more, visit our website:
The Alliance Orchestra of Gothenburg is a student orchestra and probably the most confused one in the world. The Alliance Orchestra consists of cheerful students from Chalmers University of Technology who play a variety of wind instruments or percussion. We frequently entertain at dinners and parties, where we treat the guests to music, gückel, and magic.
Chalmers Schackförening
Chalmers Schackförening is a chess club open for all students studying at Chalmers. We welcome anyone who is interested in the game of chess, no matter if you're already a grandmaster or if you're just getting started. We play regularly once a week after school hours, come join us!
Iranian Students Association at Chalmers
The Iranian Students Association at Chalmers (ISAC) aims to bring together Iranian students at Chalmers University. We organize various activities to help students connect and support each other. Also, we engage with the broader Chalmers community by organizing cultural events related to the rich heritage of Iran.
Chalmers Rock Club (CROC)
We are Chalmers Rock Club! A committee open for all students who want to create and play music together. We have a fully equipped rehearsal room in the student union building at Johanneberg at your disposal. Contact us or visit our webpage if you want to join us and gain access!
Chalmers Alternative Sports (CAS)
Chalmers Alternative Sports is a student association at Chalmers University for people who like to try new and different sports. We arrange trips and events for anyone who wants to join, Chalmers student or not. Check out our website for more information!
Chalmers Kinagrupp
Chalmers Kinagrupp is an official Chinese student organization established under the supervision of the Chalmers Student Center. It aims to promote Chinese culture, communication between alumni and enhance the influence of Chinese students and scholars on Chalmers and outside school.
Effective Altruism Chalmers
We want to use evidence and reason to effectively improve lives. You are welcome to check out our discussion events, lectures and get-togethers to learn more
Chalmers Women's Association
We are an association for female and non-binary students at Chalmers. We want to build a stronger female network and inspire, motivate and engage students in their studies and future careers. Creating a more equal academy and technology industry. We arrange several events through out the year. The membership is free and open for all students. More on our webpage: https://www.cwa-chalmers.se
VästkustFolk is a student folk ensemble. We play folk tunes by ear on various kinds of instruments and eat fika together. We rehearse once a week and apart from teaching each other tunes we also have jam sessions. Occasionally we play for a dancing audience or visit folk festivals together. Visit our website for more information!
CAESAR is a society for students with a burning interest in space and space technology, with a drive to get practical experience in the area. We design and develop rockets towards our goal of a spacefaring Chalmers. We also arrange lectures and other events.
Chalmers Social Dance Association
CSDA brings social dancing into the student community at Chalmers. We offer courses, dance nights, and social hangouts with people from all over the world. Bring your friends and enjoy the fun with us!
Chalmers Aerospace Club (CAC)
CAC is the student society for students interested in astronomy, aviation and space flight. Several times per study period we arrange space nights where we have an interesting lecture about something related to space, aviation or astronomy followed by mingling, grilled space sandwiches and a movie or documentary. We also arrange study visits or study trips to companies, museums, observatories and research centers involved in aviation, space and astronomy.