Can working out improve my learning?
Short answer is: yes. Furthermore, there is evidence for cardio being more efficient than weights training. Preferably at a heart rate by 75% of your maximum going on for 20-45 minutes. If you workout in the morning, the effect will often last throughout the day. If you want to improve memory, training before or DURING learning is recommended.
Are early birds happier than night owls?
According to a new, large scale study there are certain links between sleep patterns and depression. The findings showed an association between early sleep patterns and lower risk for major depressive disorder. In short, the earlier the sleep midpoint occurred, the more decrease in risk of depression, with up to 23% per hour. The study is a 2-sample mendelian analysis, meaning making it possible to determine cause and effect, rather than relying on empirical data. Confused? Long story short: Life is more complicated and clinical studies are needed, but the study suggests patterns between early risers and a lower degree of depression.
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Get started. And keep it up! Our tips
3 ways to get started
- Ask your friends what they do and have them sell it. Ask to join and try if possible.
- Sample something from the broad variety offered from the union. It lowers the threshold due to being affordable and easily accessible.
- Be realistic. You don’t need to love it right away. Just tell yourself to try and have a taste of many flavors. Sometimes the most unexpected could become you new passion or proving you have talent for it. But you’ll never know unless you try.
3 ways to keep it up
- Relying on motivation is risky and not fool proof. Routine however increases changes of success. Imagine the routine of brushing your teeth every single day. You don’t sit around waiting for being motivated to do it. You just…do it. And after, the freshness is the reward. Longterm, the reward is even bigger. Just like exercise.
- Longterm is key. Create all the right prerequisites to maintain your routine, regardless of weather, location and training partners. Sudden changes in your daily life or season should not be able to ruin your routine.
- Workout with others. If discipline and routine is an issue, training with others can be very efficient as you simply cannot just let people down by not showing up due to lack of motivation.
- Bonus tips: this one we used often in the beginning and during Corona. Tell others you have practice/workout later today. The next day, when asked how training went, you don’t want to stand there saying “Nah, I watched Netflix instead”. If you want to take it even further, also send each other sweaty “after” pictures so provide evidence. It will make you feel like a champion and soon you won’t need it.
Student union division societies
ÆISWe provide sports activities for Æ students. Get in touch/learn more
We are the sport society at the V-section and we offer running exercise every Monday and floorball every Wednesday and all students are welcome to join us. We also arrange events every studyperiod for students to try new and different sports and to have a great time together. Get in touch/learn moreVIRUS
Vi erbjuder roliga aktiviteter två gånger i veckan för medlemmarna på I-sektionen. Det är alltså löpträning och olika sporter i Kårhallen. Utöver det har vi ibland andra tävlingar. Under våren har vi både CM i fotboll och en skidresa till alperna, till hösten har vi en fet brännbollsturnering. Get in touch/learn moreIF - Industriell Ekonomi
We are the sport society of the mechanical engineering department! Welcome to our sport-session (Miss-pass) every Sunday from 17-19 in the Student Union Building! Get in touch/learn moreMISS
Droopy Sport Club
We offer weekly trainings to all members in the student division H.
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FIF - Fysikteknologsektionens idrottsförening
Weekly workouts and activities for all physics-students.
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Weekly workout sessions for all chemistry-students, once a year a ski trip is arranged
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Weekly sports activities for the TD-students. We also arrange the CM in beachvolley together with ZIK.
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iDrott - Datateknologsektionens idrottsförening
Ball sports, running work-outs, dart nights, general sports discussions, skiing (occasionally).
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ZIK - Zätas idrottskommitté
Sport society of the Z student division. We arrange weekly sport activities, a yearly ski-trip, and the CM in beachvolley together with TD-laget.
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E-sport - Elektrosektionens Sportförening
E-sport is the most important society at the electrical student division! We welcome all electrical engineering students to our weekly trainings. We offer a variety of fun activities, both indoors and outdoors.
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Chalmers Idrottssällskap (CIS)
We are a team that is practicing Ultimate Frisbee every Tuesday 19-21 in Brunnsboskolan. Ultimate frisbee is a sports that is quite similar to handboll or football but played with a frisbee. Come and try it!
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We offer rowing training on Tuesdays and Fridays during the whole year. We aim to have fun together on the water and those who want can participate with us at the Swedisch student championships.
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CHALMERS BADMINTONKLUBBCome play the worlds fastest sport with us! We welcome all skill levels and play every Saturday at Fjäderborgen. Our practices are planned by our organizers who make sure you get the most of each session. Both technical drills and free play at the end are part of the general setup.
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Swim trainings at all levels once a week and competitions and camps together with other swim clubs at Swedish university's. Swedish students championship is the main goal and competition of the year. Get in touch/learn more
Chalmers Football Club
Chalmers Fotbollssällskap erbjuder alla teknologer på Chalmers möjlighet att spela fotboll vid sidan av studierna, på olika nivåer. Fotbollsällskapet grundades hösten 2016 och erbjuder spel i fotboll och futsal, för både tjejer och killar. Chalmers Football Club offers all students at Chalmers a possibility to play football on the side of the studies. Get in touch/learn more
Chalmers Golfklubb
Chalmers Golfsällskap är det sociala nätverket och mötesplatsen för golfande teknologer på Chalmers! Roliga tävlingar, nya golfkompisar och riktigt mycket gött häng helt enkelt! Chalmers Golf Club offers a meeting place for golfing students at Chalmers. Fun competition and new golf friends. Get in touch/learn more
Chalmers Volleybollklubb
Vi träffas en gång i veckan för att spela volleyboll tillsammans under matchförhållanden. Välkommen att prova på tre gånger innan du väljer att bli medlem! We meet once every week to play volleyboll together and have fun! Get in touch/learn more
Chalmers Cykelklubb
We bring students who are interested in bicycle training together to train. Get in touch/learn more
Chalmers Yoga
Chalmers Yoga classes are offered to all students of Chalmers to increase both mental and physical health. The classes are in English, adjusted to all levels and a physical form of yoga (Vinyasa Flow). You will get introduced to tools to increase your ability to focus, as well as physically opening up and strengthening your body. Get in touch/learn more
Union societies
Chalmers Divers club
Chalmers Divers club is the scuba society of Chalmers. We offer courses in scuba diving, arrange dive trips and fill our members scuba tanks. We meet and socialize every Thursday evening at dykfika, in which we chat about all aspects of diving. You are welcome too!
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COL - Chalmers Orienterings Löpare
Chalmers OL is the orienteering club of Chalmers. We have two trainings every week (strength training and orienteering/running training) along with other activities. Welcome to join our trainings and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
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Chalmers Handbollsklubb
We are the handball society of the Student Union. We have both a women’s and a men’s team, which play games in the fourth division in Göteborg. We always welcome new players to come and practice with us, but it is preferred if you have some earlier experience.
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We are a showdance group consisting of ca 20 students that performs on parties, business dinners and other events, often with our friends in The Alliance Orchestra. We practice once a week in Chalmers' sports hall and do other fun things together such as go on tours, dance in the Cortége and party. If you wanna try us out, we have try-out sessions in the beginning of next semester (Aug-Sep). Get in touch/learn more
Chalmers Hockey (Blue McRangers)
We are Chalmers very own ice hockey team, playing in the honourable University Hockey League (UHL). Interested in ice hockey? Join us, or support us at our games. Get in touch/learn more
Chalmers Ballong Corps
Chalmers Ballong Corps is the Student Union’s own hot air ballooning society. We arrange flights in and around Gothenburg, and sometimes internationally. All chalmerists are welcome to join, whether they have experience flying or not. The really eager also has the opportunity to become a balloon pilot. Get in touch/learn more
Chalmers Alternative Sports
We arrange extreme sports trips and events. Starting off with a wakeboarding trip in September, surf trip in November and three ski trips during the winter season. On top of all this we have small events on campus all year round. Other sports we do include: skate, snowboard, kite surfing, mtb, climbing among others. Get intouch/learn more
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