Take the chance to get involved in your education during your time at Chalmers. Why? Because students at Chalmers have the right to have a say in how educational matters are treated and decided upon. Our opinions are important in order to develop our university. There is a great connection between influence and high quality in education.
The objective with a strong student influence is that the student's opinion help develop the leadership for the bachelor studies, courses, programs and teaching environment as a whole. The influence is also an important condition for Chalmers additional missions to work for democracy, justice and equality and which supports Chalmers vision about a sustainable future.
/Guidelines for student influence at Chalmers university of technology
In the attached document you can see in which of our different meeting bodies we have student representation, who elects them and when. If you are interested in contributing to a higher quality education and grow as a person, contact your student division board or deputy educations officer vuo@chalmersstudentkar.se.