Each semester, all members have an easy way to interact and influence the education and campus life at Chalmers.

We call it The Student Voice, because it echoes all your thoughts, ideas and opinions collectively. This is an easy way for you to help share your thoughts and an effective way for us to get the message across to the university or other parties in power. It is used as a foundation for our operational plan, visions and goals.

The event is hosted by each student division and their board who can take help from their educational committee (studienämnd) and Student work environment representative (SAMO). Results from the event and its polls and surveys are presented to all students afterwards.

A selection of previous matters and topics

  • Better/more study areas around campus
  • Bachelor education in English
  • New president at Chalmers
  • transportation to campus
  • mental health
  • examination rules
  • CSN loan
  • Accommodation
  • physical health